I love my Brother's MFC-5840CN All-in-one printer!! I got it from newegg.com fastest shipping ever! I paid only 189.00+9.75 S/H=198.75. The scanner works great, the printing works great too, good photo printing even on plain paper! Card reader works, I use it with my Lexar/Olympus 512mb, Kodak 32mb, and Fujifilm 16mb xD-picture card that came with my E510 Digital Camera. This is my second All-in-one printer.

The first one (MFC-7300C) I bought it around Christmas of 01'. It was slow, and I would get paper jams, and ink errors all the time.. But this AIO has a flatbed scanner, dual paper trays, media card reader etc. At first I had a hard time putting in the ink, finally (small framed me) got my mom to do it, because she is bigger and stronger than me. I haven't tried out the networking function yet. But like the MFC-7300C the new MFC-5840CN has some problems too, besides ink installing problems, coping is kinda on the slow side, no cables come with the printer like the USB or Ethernet cable, you buy them at newegg.com. Prices range from 1.29 to 17.99 for USB2 and Ethernet 2.49 to 8.49, links are at the bottom. Sometime the scanner functions stops working and I'll have to un-plug and re-plug the printer to get the printer working right again, this has happen 3 times already, I still can't get why this happens? Don't know if this is only happening to me or not? And as a matter of fact, when you run out of ink in one ink cartridge, like the black for instants, the printer won't work until you'll replaces the one emtpy cartridge. kinda dumb huh? I didn't have this problem with my old Xerox printer. I still recommend this cheap AIO printer, because it everything you want in a AIO, and more! There is a even a cheaper model(MFC-5440CN), this model doesn't have the media card reader, nor, does it have the etxra paper tray, but it has everything else the 5840CN have... For 143.75 + 7.75 SH from Newegg.com(link below). Buy the ink from there too! But every consumer product has it's problems. And if you don't mind the lack of a color LCD, duplex printing, and removable scanner lid. Then this is one for you!!!
http://www.newegg.com/Product/Produ...cn&InnerCata=97Ethernet Cables
http://www.newegg.com/Product/Produ...Submit=PropertyUSB 2.0 Cables
Networking, media card reader, dual paper trays, fast printing and scanning, good photo prints even on plain paper.
Slow coping, no color LCD, problems with installing ink, No USB or Ethernet cable included, for some reason the scanner function stops working, have un-plug and re-plug in the printer to get it working again, when one ink cartridge runs out, you aren't able to print anything until you replaces the empty cartridge..
The Brother's MFC-5480CN All-In-One Printer
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