My first PC was a e-machines e-tower Intel Celeron 366iMHz, 3GB hard drive with 32MB of SD-RAM, bus speed 66MHz, AGP 2x, and it also had a 32X CD-ROM, bundled with a software package including Windows 98 First Edition, Adobe Acrobat Reader 3.01, ATI Multimedia Player, Also included were the trial online access programs AOL, CompuServe 2000, AT&T World Net, Prodigy Internet and the Microsoft Network, "14 monitor. It was horrid, kept on running out of room, modem wouldn't work,very slow, etc, and I know my mom over paid for it, (which she got from Office Depot) she also brought a Xerox printer, for a whopping 899.99 back in 1998, then in the year 2000 I got a Dell Optiplex GX110 Pentium III 866MHz processor, it came with a 17'' montior the E770P(which I used on my lastest PC, until I bought a new 17'' LCD montior) 128 MB RAM, 20GB hard drive, Windows 98 SE, no modem, ethernet port, 3 USB 1.0 ports, floppy, CD-ROM 40x, a very large keyboard with mouse, no speakers, this is around time I bought a modem for this PC because it didn't have one, the first modem was a dud, finally the second one worked, then I bought The Brother's MFC-7300c, with didn't work with this PC. At first this PC was ok, but I started to run out of room, getting errors etc. The 6350us is my 3nd PC, and it's the best one yet. I went to store after store until I got to Circuit City and I saw it on the display for 849.99. Compaq Presario 6000(6350us), Intel Pentium 4 2.4GHz processor, 512MB DDR-SDRAM, CD-RW Drive 40x40x10, DVD-ROM Drive 16x, Floppy Drive, 80GB Hard Drive, Windows XP Home Edition and 6 USB2 ports, System Bus Speed 400MHz I just had to get it now! It came with booket, manual, diagram, compaq keyboard & mouse, Norton Antivirus 2002, Intuit Quicken 2002 New User Edition with financial center, 5 restore discs, Microsoft Works 6 and Money 2002, But then I found out that this PC doesn't have a video card, just integrated Intel Extreme Graphics with 64mb of RAM, limited PCI Slots space (only 3 with 2 open), no AGP Slot, no DVD-RW Drive, no Microsoft Office software, not a lot of software, but it does the job ok. I did some upgrading by buying a TV Tuner card, a sound card, a DVD-RW Drive, and a PCI firewire Card. I think I will do some more research now, and buy another kind of PC next time. One that cost a little more with all the things I want on it.. Compaq no longer make this model.
mid-size hard drive (80GB), DVD-ROM drive (16x), CD-RW drive (40x40x10), lots of USB ports (6).
No firewire ports, no TV Tuner card, no video card, integrated graphics, no AGP Slot, limited PCI slot space, no Microsoft office, no DVD-RW drive, no Monitor, mini-tower.